Apple’s New Improved Weather App


It’s all in the reflexes
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New Hampshire
I’ve slowly been switching over to the latest version of the stock weather app on iOS. I’m warming up to it. I’ve long considered this app to be useless, especially for my needs as a skier but this is quite an upgrade. Wunderground was one I used in the winter but I’ve always had intermittent functional issues with that app.

I’ve replaced my lock screen and wallpaper with weather app backgrounds. To do that you’ve got to have location sharing on all the time for the app, which is something I normally wouldn’t do but trying it out, assessing if it impacts data use or battery life too much. So far it seems ok. I like the notifications that come along but those have been sporadic.

Anyone else switch over?


Resident Redneck
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Wow. Probably haven't looked at the Apple Weather app since my original iPhone.

Do you know which model it uses? The Weather Channel app basically just regurgitates what the GFS model predicts and that model has its limitations.


Elite Member
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I've been using it quite a bit lately with the recent massive rains in the SF Bay Area.

I like it a lot!


Site Master
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I’ve slowly been switching over to the latest version of the stock weather app on iOS. I’m warming up to it. I’ve long considered this app to be useless, especially for my needs as a skier but this is quite an upgrade. Wunderground was one I used in the winter but I’ve always had intermittent functional issues with that app.

I’ve replaced my lock screen and wallpaper with weather app backgrounds. To do that you’ve got to have location sharing on all the time for the app, which is something I normally wouldn’t do but trying it out, assessing if it impacts data use or battery life too much. So far it seems ok. I like the notifications that come along but those have been sporadic.

Anyone else switch over?
I use iPad a lot. They finally have a weather app built in and I’m very happy with it.
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